Tag Archives: lose weight

My Ultimate Reset Results



I started this process three weeks ago.  I felt like my health could be better, my weight could DEFINITELY be better, and I was just lacking something.  I wasn’t sure what that was, but I just needed to change things up!  So, I started the Beachbody Ultimate Reset which is a 21 day program that cleanses and detoxifies your body while having you eat healthy, yummy meals.  It’s all about getting your body back to optimal functioning, restoring your energy, and improving the way you feel and function!  In a nutshell, it gives your body a tune up!  They start you off slowly so you gradually get rid of things from your diet.  The first week we still had meat.  The second week we still had grains.  The third week was pretty much fruits and vegetables.  The funny thing is, while week 3 was the one that seemed the scariest, the first week was the hardest and I felt absolutely amazing and invigorated by week 3!

I think week one is hard because you are getting used to a new routine.  For me, that meant eating on a schedule, taking supplements, and not taking medications that I usually take.  Let me be clear, you can still take all of your medication while on the Resetbut I wanted to see what my body was capable of doing, so I weaned myself off of prescription medications and refused to take over the counter medications.  And, I will not be going back on these medications (metformin & citalopram) which makes me and my bank account happy!  Consult your doctor if you decide you would like to do the same so you can make sure it is safe and that you wean yourself off of them appropriately prior to the Reset.  So, in week one, my body was going through withdrawals of not only sugary treats and caffeine, but medications as well which I think is what made it difficult.

During the course of the Ultimate Reset, I lost 11.6 pounds and four inches, but more than that I gained some AMAZING habits!  The Reset not only changed my body, but it changed my thinking!  All of a sudden, I found myself with a whole new outlook on food and my eating habits.  No, I didn’t decide to become vegan.  There is definitely still a place in my life for meat and eggs, but I realized that eating clean and healthy was not only easier than I thought it would be, but I actually enjoyed it and it tasted good!  There are several recipes that I will be utilizing from the Ultimate Reset now that’s it over just because they were delicious!

I went into the Reset hoping it would be a jump start for my health and fitness – that is would get my body back to a happy place where it could function more efficiently and I felt better!  It did this and so much more!  It wasn’t “easy” 100% of the time, but it was completely and totally worth it!

If you are interested in the Ultimate Reset, you can go here to read more about it: http://myultimatereset.com/esuite/home/JulieDaq

Beachbody provides all kinds of support including videos that answer questions and tell you what to expect during each phase (or each week).  In addition, if you decide you would like to do it, I will be here to help you.  After doing it with a group of ladies, I know how much it helped me to have that support, to be able to complain, celebrate, and support each other!  I highly encourage you to check out the link above – it might be just what your body needs!

Of course, if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at JulieDaq@afitlifeforme.com!

Lose Weight in a Challenge Group


Kelly Cox

(If you commit, a Challenge Group can give you results just like Kelly’s above!)

What is this Challenge Group?  Well, I’m glad you asked!  Challenge groups consist of a few people who are in the same boat you are.  They want to lose weight, get fit, and get healthy.  They may have tried other things in the past, but somehow they have found themselves in this same place over and over.  Maybe they have tried diets in the past.  Maybe they have purchased gym memberships and then realized they weren’t sure what to do to get the results they wanted once they got there.  Maybe they have just had it in their mind that they want and need to lose weight, but they haven’t yet made a commitment to themselves.  My guess is, you are probably in at least one of these scenarios.  Most people are.  BUT, that’s where the Challenge Group comes in!

This Challenge Group takes all of the guess work out of it.  You don’t have to buy book after book about the newest diets.  You don’t have to buy multiple workout DVDs to try to figure out which one is going to work.  There is no gym membership involved.  You just have to commit to the group and do a few key things, and you will have success and be on your way to meeting you health and fitness goals.  I promise.

How can I make this promise?  I know it works.  I can show you success story after success story, before and after pictures galore!  In fact you can see some of these before and after pictures at http://www.fitgoalsforlife.com.  Scoot over there and check them out… and then come back and learn more!

Do you want to have a before and after picture like those people?  You absolutely can.  Here is how it works:

You get FREE support and coaching.  Each person that joins this challenge is an individual.  I understand that everyone has different needs and do things in their own way.  I want to know about you and your goals.  Your likes and dislikes.  Your thoughts on the process and your progress.  And I want to help you go from where you are today to where you want to be.

HOWEVER, there are a couple of things you will need to do too!

1. You need to commit to this group – we will have a private Facebook group and you need to visit it once a day for a few minutes.  There will be “assignments” that will make this more fun, but also more beneficial for you!  Plus, you will meet people in this group and probably be able to relate to their struggles and what they are going through.  SO, can you spare 5-10 minutes each day to check in with this group?  That’s all I ask… now if you tell me you need more personal attention – if you want to do a getting started call or if you need someone to talk to when things get tough, I am here!

2. You need to pick a fitness program.  There is a whole list of programs you can choose from including P90X, Insanity, Turbo Jam, ChaLean Extreme, Slim in Six and many more! You then need to commit to that program for the time allotted.  Some are longer than others, but most range from 60-90 days (that’s just 2-3 months or 8-12 weeks)!

3.  Your workout program will also come with something called Shakeology.  You have to commit to drinking this once a day for 30 days.  (& I promise, you will want to continue long afterward!  Not only is it the healthiest thing you will put in your body all day, but it’s probably the yummiest too!  I personally drink the chocolate and it is just like drinking a chocolate milkshake!  Plus, you can add things to it like fruit, peanut butter, etc and you will feel like you are having dessert!)

So, you have to commit to a program, a Shake a day, and checking in once a day with the group.  That’s it.  If you do these three things, I guarantee you will start getting the results you want!

Are you ready to join the challenge to lose weight and get fit?

Fill out the form below with your information and I will send you a link to the Challenge Packs you can purchase (which will also have videos of each workout so you can see each one and pick the one that you think you would enjoy the most!).  Challenge Groups fill up fast, so if you’re ready to make the change, let’s get this started!

3 Day Shakeology Cleanse

that time of year again… Thanksgiving dinners, a little (or a lot) of over indulgences here and there.  Not to mention the fact that on top of all that, I’ve spent the last three weeks with my best friend and her family in Texas.  Since moving to North Carolina in 2007, there are only two things I miss about Texas: friends and food.

So, upon coming to Texas, I had a list of foods I felt needed to get eaten while I was here… that on top of Thanksgiving, and staying up late with bowls of ice cream having girl time has definitely taken its toll! So, with three days left in Texas, she and I are going to spend that time cleansing and I will go home no worse for wear!

If you are interested in the Shakeology cleanse, you can check out the details here!

If you would like to try Shakeology, visit my website at http://www.fitgoalsforlife.com and request your FREE samples!

How to Lose Weight: Part One

Very rarely will you find someone who wants to gain weight – they are out there, but they are very few and far between.  I have met a couple of these people.  I try to understand, but as a person who has never struggled with being too thin, I have a hard time empathizing.  Truthfully, I kinda want to tell them to shut up, but I’m sure they probably feel the same about who can easily gain weight (maybe…?) like the majority of us.

So, if you fall into this majority, I can definitely empathize with YOU!  Not only that, but I just might have some tips that can help you on your journey.

First of all… what is your WHY?  Why do you want to lose weight?  Are you overweight or obese?  Does your doctor threaten you at every appointment about what will happen if you don’t eat healthier and get some exercise?  Do you have Type II Diabetes or are you teetering on the edge?  Maybe you don’t have a health problem due to your weight… Are you uncomfortable in your skin?  Do you have some extra weight hanging around that makes your pants hurt?  Or are you at an ok weight, but find that it is slowly starting to creep up on you?

Your WHY might be because you are unhealthy.  It might be because you are embarrassed.  It might be because you just plain don’t feel comfortable.  Maybe it’s because you want to set a good example for your kids and a healthy body image is a part of that.  Whatever you’re WHY, we can find the how.

Over the next several weeks, we are going to introduce habits, suggestions, solutions… we are going to take some of the pain out of weight loss and dumb it down.  I have no desire to keep a detailed food journal and figure out how many calories are too many and how many aren’t enough in order to find that perfect number that will allow me to drop some pounds.  I don’t want to obsess about it.  I just want it to happen!  It may not be as hard or as miserable as you think!

So today, identify your WHY.  Because while it may not be that hard, there are definitely some changes that are going to have to be made and when you are teetering on the edge, your WHY will remind you which path to follow!

So, what is your WHY?

Shakeology Sunshine Bars

Chocolate, honey, and bananas blend together to create this delicious snack.

Total Time: 3 hrs., 10 min.
Prep Time: 10 min.
Yield: 10 bars

• 2 scoops Chocolate Shakeology
• 3 scoops egg white powder
• 2 cups oats
• ½ cup almond milk
• 4 Tbsp. honey
• 4 Tbsp. almond butter
• 2 bananas, mashed
• 2 Tbsp. wheat germ
• 2 Tbsp. flaxseed
• 1 tsp. cinnamon

1. Mix all dry ingredients together.
2. Add almond milk, honey, and bananas and mix well with a spatula or your hands.
3. After it’s well mixed, put mixture in an 8″ x 8″ pan. Cover with plastic wrap and press down to flatten into pan. Refrigerate for 3 hours.
4. Remove from fridge, cut into 10 squares.

Nutritional Information (per serving):

Calories: 277
Fat: 7g
Saturated Fat: 1g
Cholesterol: 3mg
Sodium: 120g
Carbohydrate: 40g
Fiber: 6g
Sugar Total: 12g
Protein: 18g
Never had Shakeology?  Head on over to http://www.fitgoalsforlife.com and request your FREE sample today!